Youth Resource List

Know Your Rights!!

As foster youth, you have certain rights involving sibling contact, education and medical access. 
Review the links below to see what Foster Youth Rights are in Nevada.

Foster Youth
Bill of Rights

Read the Bill

Click Here!
The State of Nevada, partnering agencies, and providers use the Foster Youth and Sibling bill of rights to determine what is in the best interest of children and youth in Foster Care. 

Decisions around the best interest of a child or youth in care include considerations of safety, permanency, and social/emotional/developmental well-being. 

Reading these bills and understanding your rights is step one to advocating for your needs!

Sibling Bill of Rights

Read the Bill

Click Here!

Join us for a town hall meeting to voice your thoughts on how we can make positive change for youth in and transitioning out of foster care!

Members receive a $25 stipend for participating.
Email or call 702-546-9988 to ask any questions or get help registering!
See Upcoming Dates and Register Here

Mental Health Resources

Keeping your mental health on check will have lifelong benefits to your overall wellbeing health. 
Taking the first step can be hard, but you are not alone! Check out the mental health resources below:

LGBTQ+ Resources

Find support from professionals and peers who identify within the LGBTQ+ community

Q Chat Space

Peers who identify with the LGBTQ+ community can find and give support, have fun, connect around shared interests and get good information. Chat with like-minded peers in live chats and facilitated by folks who care.
Click Here!

The Trevor Project

(212) 695-8650
Crisis Line: ‭+1 (866) 488-7386‬
We provide information & support to LGBTQ young people 24/7, all year round.
Click Here!

The Center

(702) 733-9800
We provide information, resources and testing to protect the health of our community. We celebrate the art, beauty and brilliance within our talented community. We educate and advocate within and without. We build bridges in difficult places
Click Here!

Henderson Wellness Clinic

855-955-5428 Ext 809
Offers health services: Vaccines, primary care, youth center, trans/non-binary health, men’s health, women’s health, PEP and PrEP, HIV testing. Offers counseling and support services: Linkage to care, insurance enrollment assistance, support groups, and case management.
Click Here!

Henderson Equality Center

(702) 733-9800
We provide information, resources and testing to protect the health of our community. We celebrate the art, beauty and brilliance within our talented community. We educate and advocate within and without. We build bridges in difficult places
Click Here!

Henderson Wellness Clinic

Offers various services/resources: Food pantry (with requirements), social/support groups, free classes (pride yoga, coding class, etc), programs (LGBTQ Youth Tutoring Programs, Employment Readiness Training), room and computer station reservation (Chromebook Station and Windows 10 Computer Station free for 2 hours, Conference Room $25 for 4 hours, and Anthem Room $50 for 4 hours), scholarship.
Click Here!

Click to Learn How to Support Your LGBTQ+ Friends

College and Trade School Resources

Put your future into your own hands by reviewing the college/trade resources below:

Sergott Family Scholarship

The Sergott Family Scholarship aims to propel current and former foster youth and young adults from Washoe County and all other Rural Region counties to a successful higher education experience. Five Scholarship recipients will each receive $1000 to help alleviate the financial barriers associated with pursuing a college degree or vocational certification.
Eligible applicants must:
Be a current or former foster youth that experienced being in
    care in any NV county except Clark County
 - Be a U.S. Citizen
 - Provide proof of High School completion (Diploma or
 - Provide proof of foster care experience (Proof of Wardship
 - Provide proof of enrollment at time of application submission
 - Not yet reach the age of 26 by application deadline: July 31,
 - Submit a personal statement essay as part of their application.
Applications MUST be submitted to the during the established timeframe

Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship

We want to ensure Nevada’s best scholars stay in Nevada. The Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship awards up to $10,000 in tuition to our state’s brightest students who decide to attend college here in Nevada. The Scholarship allows qualified students an opportunity to save a significant amount of money by simply going to school at an in-state college or university. If you’re a high-achieving student with a desire to attend college, this is an opportunity that is too good to pass up!
Students graduating from a public, private, or charter high school in the state of Nevada must meet the following requirements to qualify for the scholarship:
 - Graduate with an overall GPA of 3.25 (weighted or unweighted)
    or earn a qualifying test score on the SAT (1070 or higher) or
    ACT (21 or higher).
 - Complete while in high school, 4 years of English, 4 years of
    Math (including Algebra II or higher), 3 years of science, and 3
    years of history.
 - Be a resident of Nevada for at least two years.
Learn More!

Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) Program

Nevada’s Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) Program, operated by The Children’s Cabinet and Clark County Social Service (CCSS), provides financial assistance for postsecondary training and education to youth who have aged out of foster care or who have left foster care after age 16 through kinship, guardianship, or adoption in Nevada.
Eligibility Requirements
1. ETV is for young adults who have aged out of foster care or who have left foster care after age 16 through kinship, guardianship, or
     adoption (we will verify this information with you).
2. Accepted to an accredited post-secondary or vocational school.
3. Complete the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA).
4. Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
5. Not have reached your 26th birthday.
6. Have not participated in the ETV program for more than 5 years.
ETV can pay for:
1. Tuition and fees
2. Room and board (both on campus and off campus)
3. Books and school supplies
4. Transportation for school attendance
5. Computer, software, and equipment
6. Childcare expenses
7. Miscellaneous personal/educationally related expenses
8. Monthly personal stipend (limited to $250 each month)

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

To apply for federal student aid, such as federal grants, work-study funds, and loans, you need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. Completing and submitting the FAFSA form is free, and it gives you access to the largest source of financial aid to help pay for college or career school.

In addition, many states and colleges use your FAFSA information to determine your eligibility for state and school aid, and some private financial aid providers may use your FAFSA information to determine whether you qualify for their aid.

Recreational Resources

Engaging in afterschool or peer groups can be beneficial for your social development, professional experience, and mental health. Check out how to get involved!
Foster Kinship Logo

Aging Out Survival Guide

Aging out of Foster Care can be a complex time with a lot of decisions to make, and a lot of questions that need answered. Below you will find a comprehensive guide to what you need to know. Inside you will find information on voting, rental agreements, resume building, medical insurance, and more! 
Read the Survival Guide
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