
to encourage or promote


family connections
Alarmingly, six percent of children in Nevada are growing up without either parent. Grandparents, other relatives and family friends step up, ensuring children who can't live safely with their parents live with family. 

However, kinship families find their willingness is not met with the support and resources they need to raise healthy children. Kinship families need help

We close this gap by providing evidence-based and evidence-informed programming that strengthen caregivers' capacity to provide safe, stable, and nurturing  homes for vulnerable children. 

Foster Kinship helps keep home in the family.



You are not alone. Foster Kinship is the starting place for kinship caregivers in Nevada. We provide information, advocacy, case management, and training to help caregivers access legal, financial, and support resources. Our programs provide grandparent and kinship caregivers with the tools to raise healthy children.  Support is just a click away, connect with us today.



Kinship families need a village. Your support offers hope in practical and real ways. Foster Kinship provides the resources grandparent and other kin caregivers need to help children overcome trauma, neglect and abuse. We also advocate for equity for children in kinship care. Help us ensure safe, stable, and nurturing childhoods for all children in kinship care and partner with us today. 

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