Only families who are taking care of a relative’s child who is in the legal custody of the Clark County Department of Family Services might be able to get licensed as a foster parent. If you get licensed, you can receive financial help (about $850-$960 per child each month) for taking care of your relative's child.
Getting licensed does not mean you will have to take in other kids you don’t know. The license is only for the child already living with you.
Foster Kinship manages the first steps to getting licensed, and you’ll need to complete some important steps with us before you can complete licensing. There are three important milestones you will reach in the process, each with financial support attached!
Step One: You will meet with a Foster Kinship Family Advocate who will be your partner through the process. They will help you with every step of the process. Expect a call and text from 702-546-9988.
Step Two: You need to complete the Universal Licensing Application in its entirety. This includes providing complete reference information for seven people who can offer perspective on your ability to care for a child. In addition, complete and sign the following: Release of Information, Disclosures, Discipline Policy, Disaster Plan, Floorplan, Statement of Understanding.
Step Three: You will need to gather documents such as your ID, Social Security Card, Proof of Income to support your application. These documents are listed on this checklist. After we talk to you, we will help you understand what exact documents you need for your specific situation.
Step Four: You, and everyone over 18 in the home, will need to complete a second set of fingerprints. Your Foster Kinship Family Advocate will make the appointment with you.
Step Five: You will attend a five-week training course for kinship families to learn about the foster care system, licensing process, working in partnership with DFS and birth parents, managing behavior, dealing with grief and loss, and understanding permanency options such as reunification or adoption. Your Foster Kinship Family Advocate will sign you up for class. You can choose to take class online or in person. Childcare is provided for in person classes.
Step Six: You will provide a negative TB test and a completed physical form by your doctor. If you are caring for a child under 12 months, you will need to provide proof of a recent flu shot and Tdap booster.
Step Seven: You will complete Adult, Child, and Infant CPR Training. Foster Kinship offers free courses that are offered both fully in-person or hybrid (Online & In-Person components). Childcare is provided.
Step Eight: If you are caring for a child age 6 or younger, you will complete a car seat safety course. Foster Kinship offers free courses that are offered both fully in-person or hybrid (Online & In-Person components). Childcare is provided.
If you get started on these steps now, you will be licensed before you know it. At Foster Kinship, we know this process can seem difficult and invasive. Many of us who work at Foster Kinship have gone through the process ourselves- so trust us when we say we really do get it. We are here to help you, answer your questions, and cheer you on along the way.
Thank you for keeping home in the family,
Ali Caliendo, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Foster Kinship
Accurate information early on will allow kinship caregivers working with the child welfare system to make the best decisions for their family at the right time.
Kinship Information Sessions are held once a week for those who have recently received a relative placement through the Clark County Department of Family Services (DFS). Sessions cover information on the Kinship Care Road Map, the kinship licensing process, child-only TANF, Foster Kinship Navigation Services, and community resources for kin families. The 90-minute sessions are free and include time for questions.
We have multiple session options, including an online webinar.