Looking Through a Different Lens

How exactly do we help others make this shift from a behavioral lens parenting to a brain-first lens parenting?

I received some great comments about our blog about brain-first parenting. It resonated with many of you, and then I was asked, “How can we get others to understand brain-first parenting?” If you have not had a chance to read, please check out our blog link below

Nurturing Connection: Embracing "Brain-First" Parenting - Foster Kinship

Shifting from a behavioral lens to a brain-first lens involves several key strategies. This approach emphasizes understanding the neurological and cognitive processes underlying behaviors rather than just focusing on the behaviors themselves. 

Step 1: Education and Awareness 

Organize training sessions and workshops for educators, parents, caregivers, and professionals to understand the basics. How does Foster Kinship do this? We have workshops that occur twice a month! 

Interested? Please feel free to register below

Step 2: Practical Applications

Encourage the use of brain-friendly practices such as adequate sleep, nutrition, and physical activity.

How does Foster Kinship do this? After you have taken the TBRI® Caregiver Series, we use the strategies as well as other trauma-informed modality strategies that overlap the three  TBRI® Principles.

Interested in learning more about Trust-Based Relational Intervention(TBRI®)? Click the video link below

Step 3: Integration into Daily Practice

Offer one-on-one coaching or mentoring for those struggling to adopt the new perspective. How does Foster Kinship do this? We provide one-on-one behavioral consultations with the caregiver to meet you where you are in your parenting journey. We can meet in person, over the phone, or via Zoom.

Seeing behavioral challenges in the home and looking for some help? Please click the link below to schedule an appointment today

Step 4: Collaboration and community-building support groups

Share success stories and testimonials to build a supportive community around the Brain First approach.

How does Foster Kinship do this? We offer several Emotional Support Groups in person and online. We also have the Foster Kinship Blog and podcast as well as our monthly newsletter.

Check out our latest podcast on Nurturing the learning brain

Step 5: Advocacy and Policy Change 

Advocate for Policy Changes! How does Foster Kinship do this? We have Kinship Advocacy Network meetings where we meet with caregivers to discuss the struggles they are finding in the system of navigating Kinship Care and place these topics up at important legislative meetings. We also have a Youth Advisory Board where the youth get a chance to use their voice to speak about what can work better in navigating the foster and adoption agency. If you are interested in either one of these please email leah@fosterkinship.org 

We also have some amazing pre-recorded training on how we work to help our kinship families. Check out the free videos below:

And there you have it! 

Shifting from a behavioral lens to a brain-first lens is a multifaceted process that requires education, practical application, consistent reinforcement, collaboration, and advocacy. By building awareness, providing practical tools, fostering collaboration, and advocating for systemic changes, we can help others make this important shift in understanding and addressing human behavior.

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