Child Welfare Training Program

The Child Welfare Training Program includes new caregiver information sessions, kinship licensing classes, car seat safety classes, CPR classes, and QPI online training for kinship families involved with Clark County Department of Family Services (DFS). All trainings are designed to increase the safetystability, and nurturing capacity of kinship families.

Trainings and services are free and available to individuals parenting a relative's child in foster care in Clark County, NV.

Child Welfare Training Services

Kinship Care Roadmap Foster Kinship Information Session

Kinship Care Roadmap

The Kinship Care Roadmap is an easy to read tool for new kinship caregivers who have children in foster care in Clark County, NV. It provides a clear and straightforward overview of the decisions they have control over. The Roadmap includes necessary information on financial and legal differences so they can make the best choices for their family at the right time. It also outlines the rights and responsibilities of working with the child welfare system, court timelines, and permanency options. For an overview of the Roadmap, please attend a Kinship Information Session. 

View the Roadmap
Foster Kinship 4344 W Cheyenne

Clark County Kinship Licensing Class

Foster Kinship facilitates the kinship licensing training classes “Caring for Our Own” for the Department of Family Services in Clark County, NV. The required classes are three hours long and are taken over five weeks for a total of 15 hours. Classes are held at the Foster Kinship offices located at 8691 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89117 and online via Zoom. Free childcare can be provided for children 2+. 

Foster Kinship 4344 W Cheyenne

DCFS Kinship Licensing Class

Foster Kinship facilitates the kinship licensing training classes “Caring for Our Own” for the Division of Child and Family Services in Nevada. The required classes are three hours long and are taken over five weeks for a total of 15 hours. Classes are held online via Zoom.

Foster Kinship 4344 W Cheyenne

Washoe County Kinship Licensing Class

Foster Kinship facilitates the kinship licensing training classes “Caring for Our Own” for the Washoe County Human Services. The required classes are three hours long and are taken over three weeks for a total of 9 hours. Classes are held online via Zoom.

Foster Kinship Car Seat Safety Classes

Car Seat Safety Class

Foster Kinship has nationally certified child passenger safety technicians who offer car seat education and provide car seat checks and assistance with installs for kinship caregivers. Our three-hour class is hands-on, and covers car seat selection, choosing a position in your vehicle, how to determine if the seat should be rear or forward-facing, how to correctly install with either the seatbelt or LATCH system, and how to properly harness your kids. The class ends with the actual installation of your seats in your vehicle. 

For more information on how to take our Car Seat Safety class, click below and see your options! Classes are offered in English and Spanish, and are free to kinship families in Nevada.

Car Seat Safety Course Options

CPR/AED/First Aid Training

Foster Kinship offers free CPR/AED/First Aid training classes for kinship caregivers in Nevada. The class covers adult, child, and infant CPR and AED use, as well as First Aid Care for all ages. Upon completion of the course, caregivers receive a CPR certification that is valid for 2 years. 

The class is offered in 2 different formats to account for the different needs of different families. To read more about the two options, and to begin taking the course, CLICK BELOW!

CPR/AED/First Aid Course Options

Just In Time Trainings

As part of kinship licensing, some caregivers will be required to complete online classes through the Just in Time Training Program. Click the link below to access the classes online, as well as study guides to assist your learning process.

Computer Lab: Call 702-546-9988 to make an appointment to use one of the computers in the Kinship Training Institute to complete your online classes. Study guides and testing support provided. 

Click for more information
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